
Distribution and Causes

Figure 6.

fig 6

Earthquakes are not randomly distributed around the earth, rather they are located in distinct zones which can be related to the margins of tectonic plates on the Earth’s surface. Figure 6 shows the distribution of areas of most frequent earthquake activity. The active plate boundaries are superimposed on this map. There is a striking correspondence between the occurrence of earthquake activity and the boundaries of plates (Bryant 1991).

Earthquakes predominantly occur in two places (1) near convergent plate margins and (2) at divergent plate margins.

(1) Convergent plate margins:

(a) Where two sections of the Earth’s lithosphere are colliding, with an oceanic plate beneath the other descending, subduction zones occur. The ocean (whether it be oceanic or continental) trenches and andesite volcanoes are located above subduction zones.

(b) Where two or more plates of continental composition collide, neither can be subducted and mountain-building zones occur. The Himalayas and European Alps occur along mountain-building, convergent plate margins.

Subduction zones account for the majority large and deep earthquakes (Bryant 1991, see also Fig. 6).

(2) Divergent plate margins:

Divergent plate margins occur where the lithosphere is separating, or pulling apart and new ocean floor is formed, e.g. the mid-Atlantic Ridge. Active volcanism at these margins is generally submarine, but may occur subaerially, e.g. in Iceland. Most earthquakes here are small to moderate in size and are generally shallow.

Movement of molten rock or magma in volcanoes is also generally associated with earthquakes. However, about 75 % of all earthquake energy is released as shallow tectonic earthquakes and along plate boundaries. Further, very little earthquake activity is generated beyond about 700 km below the Earth’s surface. A small but significant number of earthquake events also occur which are unassociated with either volcanism or plate boundaries, e.g. on the Australian continent, which has generally been considered to be aseismic (Bryant 1991).


Sea floor spreading and plate tectonics

The crust along the ridges in the centre of oceans spreads because of diverging convection cells in the mantle (The theory of plate tectonics). The cells rise towards the earth’s crust, spread out at the surface and create a rift called a mid-ocean ridge. This rift is filled with molten material from the mantle which may form submarine lava flows. Material spreads apart from this zone to form new oceanic lithospheric plates.

The new oceanic plate comprises two layers. The upper part is cold, brittle rock made up of lavas and dykes formed at the ridge, together with minor amounts of ocean sediments. This is termed 'crust'. Welded on beneath it is a layer of cooled, dense and brittle upper mantle. Termed the 'lithospheric mantle'. Together the two layers are termed the lithosphere and form an oceanic plate.
(Continental plates are similarly made up of two layers but the crustal layer comprises low density rocks such as granites, sediments and metamorphic rocks rather than basalt.)

Figure 7.

fig 7However, where plate boundaries collide, one plate may be pushed beneath the other, forming an oceanic trench (Fig. 7). The top of the descending plate, or slab, is recognised from seismic activity as the Benioff Zone, a zone of intense earthquake activity.

The Benioff zone is a primary zone of earthquake activity because it represents compression between two plates over a wide area. As the depth of the Benioff zone increases, so too do the earthquake foci. Hence deep earthquakes (70-700 km depth) occur mainly beneath the overriding plate or continental side of the subduction zone.

Plate collisions may also involve continental crusts colliding, causing uplift and delamination, e.g. the Indian plate overriding the Eurasian plate. Plates may also slide past each other, e.g. the Pacific and North American plates along the San Andreas faultline, or the Australian and Pacific Plates along the Alpine Fault in New Zealand.

As plates move relative to one another the Earth’s crust is being compressed or stretched and pulled in different directions, building up strain within the crust. When this strain becomes too great the crustal rock fractures to form faults. The fracturing may happen gradually (fault creep), or as a sudden event (or series of sudden events or episodes) creating tectonic earthquakes.

Figure 8.

fig 8Different types of faulting occur depending on the characteristics of the fault. Figure 8 depicts the main types of faulting associated with earthquake activity. The angle of dip of the fault has a strong influence on surface shaking; earthquakes on steeply dipping faults have a smaller zone of influence than gently dipping faults. For example damage from moderate earthquakes along the steeply dipping San Andreas fault rapidly diminishes within 20 km of the fault line. In contrast the 1964 Alaska earthquake, focussed on the shallow dipping Danali fault system in a seismically active zone corresponding to low angle subduction of the Pacific Plate (Aleutian trench, see Fig. 6), was widespread, with uplift and subsidence occurring in a belt hundreds of kilometres wide (Bryant 1986, p. 200-201).


Crustal rocks at depths > 5 km are subject to a great thickness of overburden. The pressure due to the weight of overlying rock is usually less than the strength of unfractured rock. Sudden failure of crustal rocks is unlikely and the rock will deform plastically as the forces required to overcome this pressure difference generally are not applied fast enough to cause failure. If the rocks are too rigid to deform in this manner, however, cracks will open up in the rocks, causing the rock to expand in volume, and this is referred to as dilation. Water entering these cracks provides lubrication and the release of any remaining stresses (Bryant 1991. P. 180-181). This phenomenon of dilatancy has been used by Russian scientists in the past to try to predict earthquakes. Rapid build up of stress prior to rupture was thought to cause dilation which lowered ground water in wells as the water entered the cracks. Thus by measuring well levels the Russians sought to predict an earthquake. Accurate timing of an earthquake event, however, remained elusive.

Human-made earthquakes

The only way that humans can "make" earthquakes is through nuclear explosions. However, situations arise where humans have changed conditions at places where tectonic stresses already exist, and by doing so triggered movement along a fault. Good examples of this phenomenon are (1) reservoir construction and (2) ground water recharge and water/fluid injection. Both of these act to increase pore fluid pressures which allows rupturing and movement along the fault by lowering the strength of the rock (Rahn 1986). Considering that injection of fluid into the crust triggers earthquakes, it seems likely that removing liquid should have the opposite effect. However, earthquakes also occur in oil fields and gas fields where fluids are withdrawn. Here contraction of the underground reservoir rock causes these earthquakes. Vertical contraction simply causes the ground surface to slump. Horizontal contraction creates stresses in the surrounding rocks, which are pulled into the reservoir, deforming and fracturing to trigger earthquakes.

An example of a human-made earthquake triggered by reservoir construction occurred on 10 December, 1977 when a seismic shock of magnitude 6.4 happened near the Koyna Dam, India. This earthquake killed 177 people and caused extensive damage. The area had previously been aseismic, but since the dam began filling in 1962 there had been a noticeable increase in seismic activity.

Visual evidence of faults and earthquakes in the landscape

Figure 9.

fig 9The surface expression of a fault on which there has been a recent earthquake is termed a fault break. In general fault breaks do not occur for earthquakes below about magnitude 6. Fault scarps are associated with displacements along most fault types. In normal and thrust faulting, scarps result from the opposite displacement of ground on either side of the fault (Fig. 9). The upthrust block is termed the hanging wall and the down thrust block is termed the footwall. Strike-slip faulting results in the creation of scarps where the fault crosses uneven topography, e.g. a valley. Stream channels are displaced sideways by strike-slip faulting, creating a distinctive s-bend channel morphology which is common across all the stream channels affected by the fault. Hanging valleys may be created by normal and thrust faulting (Fig. 9).


Neotectonics is the study of recent earth movements. Embracing many disciplines, including geology, geophysics, geodesy, history and archaeology, it aims to achieve an understanding of the most recent movements to have modified the Earth’s crust, and extend the record of past earthquakes back in time before historic records began.

In general most plate interiors are subject to compressional stress, although there may be some local tension. Compression and extension directions can be determined from earthquake seismograms.

Seismogram records can also be used to determine the orientation of a fault, the sense of slip of a fault, and the direction of the compression and extension causing the faulting (Hancock 1988).

Most earthquakes that cause strong ground-shaking and rupture occur on faults in the zones separating plates (e.g. the San Andreas fault on the margin between the North American and Pacific plates, see Fig. 6). A few occur on faults within plates (e.g. the continent of Australia, the New Madrid area in the eastern USA). These earthquakes occur infrequently, yet when they are triggered may be very destructive because they are unexpected. Recognizing fault scarps allows us to trace active faults, and by studying the landscape and deposits that have been affected the ages of faulting events can be determined. Active faults are defined as faults which are likely to be active in a time span of concern to society.

Figure 10.

fig 10Neotectonic investigations are based on geological or geomorphological investigations of the surface representation of past earthquakes, e.g. displaced rocks, landforms or human occupation sites. An ideal site is one where radiometric, palaeotological and/or anthropological dates are available (e.g. from preserved pieces of wood, shells or artifacts). For each different offset on the fault, a corresponding earthquake may be inferred (Fig. 10).