

More Links

For further information on earthquakes try visiting the following sites on the internet:

Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
'Why do earthquakes happen?'
'Exploring the Earth using seismology'
'Seismic Monitor'

Seismo-surfing Site

Princeton Earth Physics Project

US Geological Survey

University of California at Berkeley

Virtual Desktop Project
National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) of the U.S. Geological Survey.

Data and maps of recent seismic activity for U.S and Canada

Canadian National Earthquake Hazards Program

Seismological Society of America
and their resources for teachers

Select some of these references to support the online course content.

ABC News interactive: Earthquake . CD-Rom.

Arsdale, 1997: Hazard in the Heartland: The New Madrid Seismic Zone. Geotimes (May 1997).

Bolt, B.A. 1987. Earthquakes. New York: W.H.Freeman.

Boraiko, A.A. 1986: Earthquake in Mexico: new clues to prediction, but are we prepared? National Geographic Magazine (May 1986).

Canby, 1990: Earthquake - Prelude to The Big One? National Geographic Magazine (May 1990).

Commission on the Alaskan Earthquake, National Research Council. 1970. Human ecology, and, Summary and recommendations. Vols 1 and 2 of The great Alaska earthquake of 1964. Washington D.C.: National Academy of Sciences.

Cook, R. 1998: On shaky ground. Postmagazine (October 4).

Earthquakes. 1993. From: The Citizens' Guide to Geologic Hazards. American Institute of Professional Geologists, pp. 38-53.

Gregory, G. 1992: Waiting for the big one! Alpha (79). SIR Publishing, Wellington, New Zealand.

Hadfield, P. 1996: 60 seconds that will change the world. The Geographical Magazine (December 1996).

Hancock P L, 1988. Neotectonics. Geology Today 4(2): 57-61.

Hanks, T.C. 1985. National earthquake hazard reduction program - scientific status. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1659.

Hays, W.W., ed.1981. Facing geologic and hydrological hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1240-B. (See especially section Z, "Hazards from Earthquakes" pp. 6-38)

Hong, Ye., Guoguang, C., Qing, Z: 1996: Study of intraplate potential seismic sources (publisher unavailable).

Johnston, A.C., and Kantner, L.R., 1990. Earthquakes in stable continental crust. Scientific American 262 (March): 68-75.

Johnston, M.J.S. 1993. The Loma Prieta, California earthquake of October 17, 1989 - preseismic observations. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1550-C.

Kerr, R.A., 1993. Parkfield quakes skip a beat. Science 259 (19 February): 1120-22.

Lowry, M. 1987: Edgecumbe. Alpha (60). Science Information Publishing Centre, Wellington, New Zealand.

Matthews, 1996: Erratic earthquakes keep forecasters on the hop. New Scientist (November 16, 1996). Pg. 10.

Mogi, K. 1985. Earthquake prediction. New York: Academic Press.

Murck, B., Skinner, B. Porter, S. 1997: Dangerous Earth. John Wiley & Sons.

Murck, B., Skinner, B. Porter, S. 1996: Environmental Geology. John Wiley & Sons.

Page, R.A., Boore, D.M., Bucknam, R.C., and Thatcher, W.R. 1992. Goals, Opportunities, and Priorities for the USGS Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1079.

Petroski, H. 1994. Broken Bridges. American Scientist 82 (July-August): 318-21

Reid, 1995: Kobe Wakes to a Nightmare. National Geographic Magazine (July 1995).

Reid, T.R. 1995. Kobe wakes to a nightmare. National Geographic (July) 116-136.

Rial, J.A., Saltzman, N.G., and Ling, H. 1992. Earthquake-induced resonance in sedimentary basins. American Scientist 80 (Nov-Dec.): 566-78.

Robinson, A. 1993: Earth Shock. Thames and Hudson

Scholz, C. 1997: Whatever happened to prediction? Geotimes (March 1997).

Seeber, L., Ekstr"m, G., Jain, S.K., Murty, C.V.R., Chandak, M.N., Armbruster, J.G. 1996: The 1993 Killari earthquake in central India: A new fault in Mesozoic basalt flows?. J. Geophysical Res., 101, 8543-8560.

Selby J, 1990. Australia: The Newcastle earthquake. Geology Today 6(3): 81-82.

Somerville, P. 1995. Kobe earthquake: An urban disaster. EOS 76 (7 February): 49-51.

Stiros, S. 1995: Unexpected Shock Rocks an Aseismic Area. EOS, Vol. 76, No.50 (December 12, 1995).

Tank, R., ed. 1983. Environmental geology. 3d ed. New York: Oxford University Press.

The Earthquake Problem in New Zealand. Alpha, (June 1980). Government Printer, Wellington, New Zealand.

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Eds.), 1996. Chronicle: The Great Hanshin Earthquake. IBH Communications, Japan.

U.S.Geological Survey Staff. 1990. The Loma Prieta, California earthquake: An anticipated event. Science 247 (January): 286-93.

Waiting for the Big One. The Economist (December 7, 1991).

Wesson, R.L., and Wallace, R.E. 1985. Predicting the next earthquake in California. Scientific American 252 (February): 35-43.

Whitman R V, 1986. Earthquake loss estimation methodology. In A. Vogel and K Brandes (eds) Earthquake Prognostics. Friedr. Vieweg end Sohn. Braunchweig/Wiesbaden: 259-278.